Stepping Up to the Plate: Michael Crossland on Turning Adversity into Opportunity

Michael Crossland’s story is a powerful testament to these principles. As a survivor of life-threatening cancer and the sole survivor of a failed drug trial, Michael knows firsthand what it means to confront and overcome adversity.

Throughout his career, whether representing Australia in baseball or speaking to audiences across the globe, he has consistently emphasised that adversity doesn’t define us—it’s our response to it that matters.

For real estate professionals, Crossland’s insights into perseverance, emotional resilience, and maintaining a strong mental framework offer valuable tools.

His work, both in the corporate world and his humanitarian efforts, proves that success is about more than just achieving personal goals; it’s about making a lasting impact despite obstacles.

In this episode of Courageous Conversations with REIA President Leanne Pilkington, Michael Crossland reflects on his incredible journey—from battling cancer as a child to navigating health challenges within his own family and ultimately rising to become a successful corporate leader and philanthropist. He opens up about the mindset shifts that have shaped his life, including the power of visualisation and how establishing structured morning and evening routines has been a key factor in maintaining balance and focus.

Michael also discusses why stepping into discomfort is essential for personal development, sharing how he used his darkest moments as catalysts for growth. As someone who has achieved significant success, Michael offers invaluable lessons on how he balances his professional responsibilities while ensuring he remains present for his family.

“We all have that moment where we dip below the line and we think that our life’s not fair, and it’s okay to feel that way. What’s not okay is choosing to stay there.” – Michael Crossland

10 things you’ll learn in this episode:

  1. The importance of shifting from a victim mentality to a navigator mindset.
    Timestamp: 3-minutes
  2. How visualisation can help you achieve your goals.
    Timestamp: 10-minutes
  3. The power of setting intentions for each day.
    Timestamp: 12-minutes
  4. Why having a morning and evening routine is crucial for success.
    Timestamp: 14-minutes
  5. The impact of seeking discomfort for personal growth.
    Timestamp: 15-minutes
  6. How Michael’s darkest moments led to discovering his purpose.
    Timestamp: 20-minutes
  7. The story behind Michael’s orphanage and school in Haiti.
    Timestamp: 21-minutes
  8. The importance of balancing success with humility.
    Timestamp: 24-minutes
  9. Why being present with family is crucial, even with a busy schedule.
    Timestamp: 26-minutes
  10. How Michael’s book sales are making a difference in providing meals for those in need.
    Timestamp: 27-minutes

Michael’s website
Michael on YouTube
Frontier Projects

Detailed episode guide

In this latest edition of Courageous Conversations, hosted by Leanne Pilkington, we delve into an inspiring story of resilience, strength, and ambition. In the past five years, Michael Crossland has spoken to over 900,000 people globally despite spending nearly a quarter of his life in hospitals. In this podcast episode, Michael shares the incredible journey of his life, his battle with cancer, accomplishments, and the mindset that has fueled his success.

A Dark Beginning Met with Determined Resolve

Michael’s life story begins with an enormous challenge. He was diagnosed at 11 months old with an incurable cancer of the central nervous system called Neuroblastoma Stage 4, and doctors gave him no chance of survival. Chemotherapy regimens were brutal, and surgical attempts failed. When no option seemed viable, he was put on an experimental drug. Tragically, out of the 25 children who took the drug, Michael was the sole survivor.

Reflecting on his adversities, Michael attributes much of his survival to the unwavering belief system his parents instilled in him. They taught him to believe in himself and to dream big, inspiring him to pursue what many deemed impossible. Despite medical predictions, Michael strived for normalcy – attending school and making friends.

The Power of Visualisation and Self-Belief

Michael shares a fascinating insight into how visualization and self-belief were pivotal in his achievements. As a child, he dreamt of playing Major League Baseball in America. Although many tried to limit his aspirations, Michael was determined to prove them wrong. He emphasizes that obstacles should not deter one from believing in and working towards their dreams.

In his corporate career and personal life, he developed a practice he calls VBAA – Visualize, Believe, Act, and Achieve. Michael explains how visualizing success breeds belief, which in turn propels one to act, ultimately leading to achievement. This mindset shift is essential for personal and professional growth.

Overcoming Challenges with Perspective and Resilience

Michael discusses the concept of living “above the line” vs. “below the line.” Living “above the line” means taking ownership, accountability, and responsibility for one’s circumstances, thoughts, and actions. On the contrary, living “below the line” is characterized by victimhood, blame, and denial.

Throughout his talk, Michael reiterates the importance of perspective. Even during the toughest times, holding onto hope and collaboration is crucial. By shifting perspectives and aligning one’s mindset to focus on overcoming challenges, individuals can find the strength to navigate through life’s adversities.

Establishing Routine and Seeking Discomfort

A significant part of Michael’s message is the importance of establishing a powerful routine. Despite not being a morning person, Michael starts his day at 5 AM with an intense routine that includes exercise, meditation, and ice baths. These practices are rooted in the belief that discomfort catalyses growth and prepares one for the day ahead.

He also underscores the importance of an evening routine, which includes winding down activities that prepare the mind for restful sleep. These behaviours ensure that one is rejuvenated and ready to perform the next day effectively.

Giving Back and Finding Purpose

Michael’s life took a definitive turn when he decided to focus not just on himself but on giving back to others. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Michael got involved in rebuilding a school in Haiti and eventually co-founded an orphanage. Today, this orphanage serves 44 children, offering them a seamless blend of care and education.

Michael has made significant impacts by discovering and acting on his purpose, from assisting children in Haiti to solving family reunification by empowering parents with micro-business opportunities.

Striking a Balance Between Professional Aspirations and Personal Life

Michael remains grounded in the belief that true success involves striking a balance between professional commitments and personal life. While he travels extensively for speaking engagements, he ensures he is present and involved when home with his family. This balance is integral to fulfilling his life’s mission of leaving a legacy and living fully into it.


Michael Crossland’s story powerfully reminds us of the human spirit’s resilience and capability to overcome even the gravest of adversities. His insights on visualization, self-belief, and daily routine are invaluable lessons for anyone looking to break through barriers and achieve remarkable success. To learn more about Michael Crossland, his work, and his motivational content, visit his website at All proceeds from his books go to charity, further exemplifying his commitment to giving back.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Crossland

  1. Q: Who is Michael Crossland?
    A: Michael Crossland is a motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist who overcame childhood cancer and numerous health challenges to become a successful corporate professional, athlete, and humanitarian.
  2. Q: What health challenges did Michael face?
    A: Michael was diagnosed with neuroblastoma (an incurable cancer) at 11 months old, survived experimental treatment, and later experienced cardiac arrests and bacterial meningitis.
  3. Q: What is Michael’s approach to personal growth?
    A: Michael emphasizes visualization, setting intentions, seeking discomfort for growth, and maintaining strict morning and evening routines.
  4. Q: How does Michael contribute to humanitarian efforts?
    A: He runs a school and orphanage in Haiti, helping provide education, housing, and support for underprivileged children.
  5. Q: What is Michael’s “VBAA” philosophy?
    A: VBAA stands for Visualize, Believe, Act, and Achieve – a framework Michael uses for goal-setting and personal development.
  6. Q: How does Michael balance his busy career with family life?
    A: He practices being fully present when at home, uses a “phone drawer” to minimize distractions, and often travels with his family.
  7. Q: What are some key elements of Michael’s daily routine?
    A: His routine includes waking up at 5 AM, taking ice baths, exercising, meditating, and having a structured evening routine for better sleep.
  8. Q: How did Michael transition from corporate banking to motivational speaking?
    A: After facing personal and health challenges, Michael discovered his purpose in giving back and sharing his story, which led to opportunities in public speaking.
  9. Q: What advice does Michael give for achieving success?
    A: He emphasizes doing more than what’s expected, visualizing goals, maintaining a positive mindset, and finding one’s purpose beyond personal gain.
  10. Q: Where can people find more information about Michael and his work?
    A: People can visit his website at, where they can also find his books and more resources.

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