Single Mom Shares Her Ultimate Parenting Hack: A Nearby Single Dad

At this point, we’ve all bought into the reality that it “takes a village” when it comes to childrearing, and for single parents the village is even more important. One single mom on TikTok — Kelsey Will, who posts as @kelseywont (clever) — has shared her “greatest life hack ever” for life as a single mom: living alongside a single dad.

Will explains that she lives in a duplex with a single dad: there are no shared living spaces, but their houses are connected, which allows for “all the benefits of being roommates without having to actually be roommates.”

“We’re just like built-in neighbor besties,” she says. “If one of us needs something the other person’s right there.”

From borrowing things from one another to doing chores for one another (“he likes to take the garbage cans to the street and back up the driveway because he likes to do the ‘man of the house’ things”) to just thinking of one another when picking up a fast food dinner, they always have one another’s backs.

This, of course, extends to parenting issues.

“One morning he had his daughter and it was picture day at her school and he didn’t know how to do her hair,” she recalls, “so she came over to my place at 7 a.m. and I did her hair for her.”

Their relationship is clearly adorable, but it can also fall into “old married couple” levels of TMI. “Yesterday he came in for two seconds and requested that I pop a pimple on his neck with a safety pin,” she laughs. “There’s truly no boundaries in our friendship.”

Of course, at this point, we know what you’re thinking, and so does Will.

“It is strictly platonic,” she clarifies. “There are no romantic feelings involved … although if that were the case it would be a truly BookTok-worthy storyline for sure.”

We are extremely here for this. (Are we secretly hoping for that BooktTok turn? Absolutely.) And so too were the folks in Will’s comments.


“Waiting for an update in 10 years,” agrees another. “‘Kids are out of the house and now we’re in love…’”

Some not-so-single moms also thought this sounded like a great idea.

“My husband and I need a duplex,” one joked.

But, overall, people were just super onboard for this wholesomeness of this content.

“I love seeing humans just caring about each other,” a commenter wrote. “Literally the raddest part of life I swear.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

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