Ron Johnson Expands His Anti-Vax Nonsense

Senator Ron Johnson, who is not a doctor in real life or on the TV, went on the Ask Dr. Drew podcast to talk about the impact of Robert Wormhead Kennedy, Jr. endorsing Felon Trump. RoJo used the opportunity to go into his anti-vaxxer spiel but expanded it far beyond just the COVID vaccine. He also expressed concern that medicine was becoming too specialized:

All of a sudden they realize, oh, there’s a real problem here. There is corruption. Not to plug a competitor’s podcast here, but Tucker had a very interesting interview with Dr. Casey Means and her brother Callan. I spoke to them this morning, but she’s laying out me. She just completely walked out of medicine. She was at the pinnacle of it, and she just realized we’ve so specialized. Again, that makes sense. I’m not criticizing that at all, but we have so specialized medicine, and again, I think you have to in order to really treat some of these things, but we’ve lost sight of the forest for the trees. And so we just, there’s just not value. There’s not the compensation for the general practitioner, and we’re not using science to really take a look at, well, what is causing all this?

And from my standpoint, set the vaccines aside. What I’m hoping President Trump and Bobby Kennedy come together on is look at chronic illness. I mean, Bobby Kennedy’s been talking about it a long time. I think President Trump definitely understands it. I know he’s concerned about some of the childhood vaccines. I had a conversation about somebody that worked for him whose child he believed was injured by a vaccine. So again, you have to have an open mind and the abuse during COVID has opened up millions of people’s eyes and their minds.

Oh. My. Dog! RoJo is starting to ramble and utter gibberish just like Felon Trump! There’s no value in specialized medicine because the general practitioner isn’t getting compensated enough? WTAF! Is he saying that if you have a heart attack, you should let old Doc Smith take care of you instead of a cardiologist? And personally, I’d rather get a vaccine that was developed by a virologist instead old Doc’s granny back in the hills, using possum lard and frog eyes.

But RoJo can take some pride in knowing that there are, unfortunately, too many people that share his paranoia about vaccines, even the childhood vaccines that have been around for decades. This is evidenced by the resurgence of diseases that were thought to be all but eradicated, such as polio and chicken pox.

With people like RoJo presenting such a threat to our country, it’s hard to get worked up about some undocumented immigrants.

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