Omarosa Says Trump Was Showing Cognitive Decline In 2018

This was an interesting interview with Omarosa Manigault Newman on CNN, where she talks about Trump’s memory problems while he was in the White House back in 2018. She also drops a few broad hints about his health.

Laura Coates played the now-infamous video of Trump’s dance recital and asked Newman to comment.

“I have to tell you that that was probably one of the most bizarre displays I’ve ever seen from Donald Trump. And I’ve known him since 2003,” Newman said.

“It really just shows that Donald Trump has nothing to say to America. He has nothing to offer to America. All he has to offer is weird swaying and dancing and at a time like this in this nation, we need more than just that. and he cannot deliver.”

“You wrote back in your memoir back in what, 2018, that you thought Trump was showing signs signs of mental decline. That’s a pretty serious accusation,” Coates said. (Was it really that long ago that every single talking head took on the role of board-certified neurologist to “diagnose” Joe Biden? How soon they forget!)

“How does that Trump compare the one you see now?”

Newman said when she first knew him, Trump could come up with very complicated figures.

“He could stand there and recall all of the details of a deal and he would share those with us. and too as time went on, particularly when I observed him in the first year when we were in the White House, Donald was unable to recall basic figures. He would forget the name of his cabinet members,” she said.

“He would forget key details of policy issues that we were talking about as we were preparing for him to go out on stage, this was after he was briefed, just moments before. That was in 2018. Let’s talk about what we’re observing right now in 2024.

“The reason Donald Trump is canceling these interviews is that when he starts to stumble, he starts to pivot. He wants to talk about you. he’ll start attacking you, Laura, instead of talking about policy issues because he can’t recall what they are, he cannot repeat consistently his position on key issues like the economy, like crime, or immigration that are key issues to voters.”

“That’s what you’re seeing in his decline right now,” Coates said. “But he’s been fixated, as you know, on this idea, yeah, of a cognitive test and he says that he has taken a few, says that he is aced it by the way, and we listened to what he said just today, Omarosa, ‘I took two cognitive tests and I aced him both. I think that frankly the people regardless, should take if they’re 50 or 40. But I would love to see cognitive test. I don’t think she could pass a cognitive test, okay?”

Coates asked Omarosa why he won’t release his actual medical records.

“Let’s recall that Donald Trump dictated the letters that went out about his medical history, but doctors weren’t free to write what they want. Donald Trump dictated if for every single doctor from his original doctrine, 2015 to Ronny Jackson, to the doctors that came on after that. The one thing about Donald Trump is that you will never see the truth about his weight, about his health,” she said.

“I think that reporters should start asking different questions, very specific questions. I think they should ask about his health in terms of his heart. They should ask has Donald Trump ever had any issues with, for instance, has he ever had a stent?

“I think a journalist should ask that and see if they’ll answer the true question. Has he had any blockage in his heart? Wonder if they’ll give true answers about that because Donald Trump will never tell the truth about something, the health issues that his camp knows that he faces and I think if you ask, maybe they’ll tell the truth, but the truth is that they’ve been covering things up and they have not been forthright with this country and the nation needs to know what his true health status is. And we have not been getting that.”

There you go, media types. She’s given you the road map and detailed directions. Go do your job!

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