"I Sold My Panties Today" & 34 Other Mom Confessions That Prove We're All Fed Up

January is always a month that seems to last ages, but January 2025 has been particularly long in the teeth. From all the stress surrounding the LA wildfires, sicknesses, and the (what feels like) hundreds of snow days and bleak winter weather, it’s easy to see why the moms are extremely fed up. In this month’s confessions, the moms are stressing financially (and getting real creative about how to fix those money issues), they’re disassociating completely, and they’re ready to abandon the families they love so much if there’s one more snow day this year.

So grab a cup of coffee, and get scrolling. You’ll find your people amidst these 35 confessions. January’s almost over, fam. I think we’re going to make it. (But we’ll check in again in February.)

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

Back to work after years as a SAHM and damn it feels good!

Confession #50735288

My husband is launching a startup and I hate it.

Confession #53492731

My kid is trying to sabotage his grades to not graduate high school.

Confession #52486540

My doctor said I can qualify for Ozempic. Feeling like a fraud if I take it.

Confession #51831172

My husband is going on a trip and I can’t wait for him to leave. One less person to take care of

Confession #51222099

I loathe the creater of the tooth fairy. 😡

Confession #54711868

I want my husband to stop eating soooo much and lose weight!!!!!

Confession #50000072

Beyond angry at DH for losing our life savings and retirement equity in a bad business deal.

Confession #52284177

I like my 2-year-old more than my 6-year-old right now and feel so guilty.

Confession #52222621

I can’t stand my daughter in the mornings. She’s so difficult.

Confession #50007788

4-year-olds are f*cking @$$holes!!!!!

Confession #55223180

I’m being referred for an autism diagnosis at 33, and I’m terrifed.

Confession #50002314

I love my husband and think he’s hot, but I don’t like sex. The act gives me anxiety.

Confession #52209123

My husband needs to learn manners about propositioning me. So crass.

Confession #52213388

My 4-year-old is going to be the death of me. I can’t take it.

Confession #56661480

I want my husband to stop drinking.

Confession #50093489

Counting down the days until my 2 teens go to college. Their attitudes STINK!! 💩 😭

Confession # 55589221

My kids are so spoiled and I don’t know how to turn it around.

Confession #55430869

I feel like a disgusting shell of who I once was.

Confession #50006518

I miss the man I hooked up with last fall… and I’m married.

Confession #50994521

I hate my parenting. I’m always angry and wish I never had kids. But I love them to death.

Confession #52223886

I really need to fart, but I work in a crowded office.

Confession #51111874

I’m actively rooting against a job opportunity for my husband.

Confession #51122000

Leaving for vacation in Mexico and my 2-year-old has RSV.

Confession #52112323

I hate all the moms in my daughter’s class.

Confession #51111008

I lost my provisional acceptance to med school and feel like I’ve failed my family.

Confession #51118709

Anyone else always imagining what other classroom parents look like when intimate?

Confession #51111311

Can’t do anything but binge Lively vs Baldoni and dress kids for school

Confession #51138976

I screamed at my kids 1000x more than I played with or hugged them this week.

Confession #51110098

I wish I never married and had my children. I dream of packing up and leaving them all.

Confession #54432209

I have a senior in high school and might start an OF just to pay for all the shit for graduation!!!

Confession #52221049

I hate being the breadwinner.

Confession #50000540

Is anyone else’s husband getting stupider or is it just mine?

Confession #52001002

My MIL died and it’s not the worst thing for the health of my family.

Confession #53332122

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