MAGA And Fox News Rail Over Harris' 'Fake Accent'

The New York Post elevated the Trump campaign’s craven attempt to smear Kamala Harris by editing a long speech into a short clip so they could lie and claim that Kamala Harris was speaking in a Blackish accent when in Detroit while using an English accent in Pittsburgh.

It’s racism and sexism at its core.

Fox News must have received the Trump campaign email late last night and was ready to go with this nonsense even before Fox & Friends aired.

HOST: David, we want to ask you about this clip of Kamala Harris from yesterday. She’s making a speech in Detroit and it’s getting a lot of attention because some people are accusing her of using an accent.

We’ve never heard her use before. (How many speeches and rallies has Fox News covered for VP Harris?)

Listen to this.

HARRIS: You better thank a union member for the five-day work week. You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time.

HOST: So she made that exact same speech in Pennsylvania a few hours later and did not sound like that. So what do you think about this? Should we be focusing on it?

WEBB: Yeah, you know what? Focus on it to examine or to at least see the fakery. She was in Georgia a week ago and suddenly she had a Georgia accent. But look, this points to the fakery and how dumb Kamala Harris and the Democrats hope that the American people are.

It’s an insult to the people of Detroit, to the people of Michigan, to the union workers, and the workers versus the leadership is a big part of this because the leadership like Sean Fain, head of the U. A. W.

The fact is, this is fakery. It’s insulting to the American people. it’s Hillary Clinton with hot sauce all over again.

I don’t know, maybe Kamala had some collard greens and she was busy taking a phone call about her accent.

I don’t know.

Fakery? Hillary? WTF, Mr. Webb.

Are you a fake Black man since you support Trump and work for white supremacists in the media? See how that feels. Mr. Webb? Not very good, is it?

How is VP Harris insulting anybody for having fun when she’s speaking to rallygoers? Kamala Harris is a gifted code-switcher, just like her predecessor Barack Obama. It’s practically required to keep the racists at bay.

These types of ludicrous smears began with Andrew Breitbart.

Fox News and the Post ignore when Trump does crazy impressions, tells moronic Hannibal and shark stories, forgets what city he’s in or who said what, or loses his train of thought while bleaching his hair orange.

Yet, they are systematically making up sh*t out of whole cloth to smear Trump’s political rival.

Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

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